About Empire State Sports Council

     Regardless of political persuasions, the economic environment, or the latest weather conditions; Sports Unite Us!   Whether you are a Fan or an Athlete, the passion for sports is Contagious and Inspiring.  Nothing matches the sensation of having your team win, and nothing matches the exhilaration of working to succeed and being the first to cross the finish line.

     The Empire State Sports Council has successfully begun the process to bring back such an excitement and lead the way into the next generation of the State Games, and forge a new future for competition-minded athletes and competition-minded audiences throughout the Empire State!

 We Need Your Support to Keep This a Reality

           The Empire State Sports Council is a Non Profit organization designed to reach the entire State of New York and beyond with an understanding that we offer Sports for Everyone, and Sports for Life.  It is our mission to provide the best programs, events, staff, and equipment, to fully meet the various sports, recreation, nutrition, and health & fitness education needs of the Athletes, Parents, and Coaches of the Empire State.

     With an emphasis on programs to reach Youth, Master’s (Senior Citizens), and the Physically Challenged, the Empire State Sports Council is prepared to meet the needs of all Athletes of any age, gender, or skill level.  Besides providing an excellent value to each of these folks, the Empire State Sports Council is determined to create an unparalleled sporting experience that fosters good sportsmanship, honest competition, and healthy habits for each participant, whether from a club, school, church, or any other organization.  Our hope is that through participation in our programs and events, each individual will gain a greater sense of accomplishment, and develop a greater appreciation for the world of sports, recreation, nutrition, fitness, and health education, that will last a lifetime.