Perfect Practice Makes Perfect 04
Preseason and Practices
Put your right hand in, take your right hand out…
All together now.
Lunges anyone?
Words of wisdom from Anthony.
Val masters the bleachers.
Bantam Girls relay practice.
Youth Boys relay practice.
You guys need some work!
Michael Stanley defies gravity.
Danny and the Shot Put
A well deserved water break.
The Dominator loves bleachers!
- Put your right hand in, take your right hand out…
- All together now.
- Lunges anyone?
- Words of wisdom from Anthony.
- Val masters the bleachers.
- Bantam Girls relay practice.
- Youth Boys relay practice.
- You guys need some work!
- Michael Stanley defies gravity.
- Danny and the Shot Put
- A well deserved water break.
- The Dominator loves bleachers!