“A Little Rain” didn’t seem to keep Imani Pierce (Schenectady Superstars) from taking 1st Place in the Girl’s (11-12) 100m Dash!
It is an old saying that, “In Every Life a Little Rain Must Fall!” I believe there are two (2) points to draw from this statement that are most helpful:
- We are NEVER going to have Sunshine every day! As much as it would be preferred, most Living Things would die, without water. So, Rain means Life! 😊
- As much as it may be, at times, inconvenient, as long as we make it through the “inconvenience”, we will be better for it in the end. Thus, we “Grow” as individual Athletes! Isn’t Rain supposed to help things “Grow”?
How appropriate for us to have the luxury of “A Little Rain” for the Patriot’s Invitational, then? It kept the Athletes from drying out and being parched. It also forced everyone to be precise with their form, in order to avoid slippery conditions. It further provided a thorough understanding of the value Spikes have at a Track & Field Meet!
Fortunately, there were many Athletes for whom the Rain DID NOT deter their Performance, as there were plenty of PR’s set, along with 1st Place Finishes.
For the complete Results from the Patriot’s Invitational just click the link. For all of the Records click the link.
- Nor did “A Little Rain” keep the Roundabout Runners Club from taking 1st in the Boy’s (9-10) 4x100m Relay.
- Jacob Goodrich (Chatham Gold) seemed to handle “A Little Rain” just fine in his 1st Place Finish in the Boy’s (9-10) 800m Run!
- And Arianna Mills defied both “A Little Rain”, along with Gravity, to take 1st Place in the Girl’s (11-12) High Jump!