It was NOT an easy task to produce the Liberty Games Track & Field Championships in 2021.  There were so many unknown coming into the 2021 Track & Field Season, it was uncertain whether Track & Field would even be contested, and that it might just suffer the fate of the 2020 Track & Field Season. ☹  Once on the schedule, originally set for July 9th & 10th, it had to be moved to a week later due to a last minute “surprise” by the Host Site originally set to contest the Track & Field Event.

The weekend of July 9th & 10th was BEAUTIFUL weather!  The weather forecast for the weekend of July 16th & 17th was nothing but Thunderstorms, Thunderstorms, and did I mention, Thunderstorms?  Folks called to inquire whether we would be postponing the Event due to the forecast, but we remained steadfast to our decision that we would contest the Event and try to dodge the Thunderstorms, if they arrived.

As we arrived to set up for the Track & Field competition, clouds began to break, the Sun showed itself a bit, until the start of the Meet.  Then, all of a sudden, the skies cleared and we thought we were in for a Great Day of Competition… until the SCREAM got everyone’s attention!  It came from the Long Jump Pit where the reigning National Gold Medal Champion, Taydence Morrison, experienced a feeling you wouldn’t wish on anyone!  At the point of Takeoff at the 4’ Board, Taydence planted his Takeoff Leg, then proceeded to make his jump into the Pit.  Almost instantly he felt his Knee Cap snap free, causing him to immediately drop to the Sand Pit.

Within minutes the Ambulance had arrived to attend to him, although it seemed like eternity lying in the Sand Pit for Taydence.  Speculation swirled about the extent of the Injury, but nothing was made public until after he was admitted to Albany Medical Center for further analysis.  By later that day, it was reported to the Empire State Sports Council that Taydence had torn his Patella Tendon, and that he would need Surgery to repair it.

As one could imagine, this came as a BLOW to his immediate hopes of defending his Gold Medal in the Long Jump at the National Track & Field Championships at the end of July.  Nor would he be able to join his other nine (9) Teammates from the Country Mills Eagles at that Event in Texas! ☹

“We have had a spotless record since the inception of the Liberty Tour Track & Field Series!”, noted Executive Director of ES Sports, Anthony Mills.  He continued, “The sound of an Ambulance Siren is NEVER a good thing at an event, and this is our first in the 15 year history of the Liberty Tour.  And although that is unfortunate, we feel so bad for Taydence, and pray for him to make a full and complete recovery, even though it will take quite a bit of time.”

In an effort to help Taydence, and his Family, make this recovery, over the long haul (6 month to 1 year), ES Sports is setting up a Fundraiser to help reduce the Financial Strain for his Family, and to assist Taydence in receiving ALL of the Physical Therapy necessary to make it back to his Gold Medal Form.  To that end, the Empire State Sports Council has established the “Go for the Gold Fund”!  If you would like to be a part in helping this young Man, who is quite likely a Future Olympian, to get back to his Gold Medal Form, please Make Your Donation by clicking the link below, and help him Go for the Gold!

Go for the Gold Fund

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