As a High School Student, a couple, which I held in high regard, once told me, “You are the Raw Material from which your Children begin their lives!”  Furthermore, they added, “It is important that you look after your Children’s Children, because they will be the Future!”  Unlike so many at that age, that made sense to me, and I could see the purpose and value in so doing.

There are many important aspects to Life, of which living a Healthy Lifestyle is near the top of the list.  As part of that, Track & Field was introduced to all of our Children at an early age, because it encompasses the Basic Motor Skill Movements of Running, Jumping, and Throwing.  It was only natural to teach all aspects of Track & Field, then allow them to gravitate toward those things they preferred or enjoyed most.

As one that didn’t pick up a Javelin until my Junior Year in College, it quickly became my “Event of Choice”, because it was unlikely I would ever be able to Put the Shot more than 15m. ☹  Having contested Javelin at the National Level in College, my PR was 48.77m, I couldn’t get enough.  When our Children were old enough to throw, they took to it quickly, especially our first son, Anthony Jr.  His PR, 51.94m, is currently the Record for Boys (17-18).

So, once his youngest daughter, Arianna, developed the ability to throw a ball, we allowed her to try the Turbo Javelin (Plastic with a Rubber Tip).  She couldn’t get enough!  She would follow around doing all of the Drills I did.  She even wanted to throw the real Javelin! 😊

Having WON GOLD in 2019 at Greensboro, her chance to defend her Gold Medal was CANCELLED by Covid-19 for 2020.  In 2021, she settled for a 4th Place finish, as the loss of her Grandmother took its toll on her Practice Schedule.  In 2022, she returned to Greensboro in search of Gold.  With an unusually rough start with her first two (2) Throws, she found herself on the outside, looking in, as she was in 9th Place.  She NEEDED a Throw that would advance her to the Finals (top 8).  A 40 minute Rain Delay put a halt to the MeetGood Timing, as it provided a moment for reflection about what she NEEDED to do to get where she wanted to be.

Once throwing resumed, her 3rd Throw was almost 23m, enough to move her into 7th Place,  but more importantly advance to the Finals, where she would get three (3) more Throws.  After discussing the strategy for those Throws, she did what ALL Great Athletes do, she launched a PR of 24.74m!  A PR by almost 2m!  And, she solidified the BRONZE Medal!  Congratulations Arianna on an OUTSTANDING Performance, once again!

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