Liberty Games Track & Field
Chairperson: Anthony Mills
Date of Event: Saturday, July 12, 2025
Start Time: Full track meet to be run on Saturday, starting at 11am. Check-in begins 1 hour before meet start time.
Location: TBA
Directions: Googlemaps
Online Registration
Individual Entry Form
Team Entry Form
Schedule of Events
Event Fees: Youth divisions: $25; Adult divisions: $35- first 2 events + $5/each additional event. Triathlon/Pentathlon – $25; Heptathlon, Decathlon, Weight Pentathlon – $35.
Registration Deadline: Thursday, July 10, 2025, 8pm NO DAY OF MEET REGISTRATION
Registration deadline for combined events: NA
Rules of Play: USA Track & Field 2024 rulebook
Eligibility: USATF membership is not required. Youth divisions 12 and younger allowed up to three events; Youth divisions 13 and older are allowed up to four events. Relays do not count towards the event limit.
Age Divisions: Age is determined by birth year for all youth divisions; day of meet age for open and masters. Age divisions are: Primary (2019+); Sub Bantam (2018-2017); Bantam (2016-2015); Midget (2014-2013); Youth (2012-2011); Junior (2010-2009);Senior (2008-2007), and those who are still 18 up to August 2, 2025; Open, 19-29; Masters, 30+. Masters are grouped by 5 yr. age divisions.
Track Events: 100m, 200m, 400m, 800m, 1500m, 3000m, 5000m, 80m HH, 100m HH, 110m HH, 200m IH, 400m IH, 1500m RW, 3000m RW, 4×100, 4×400, 4×800. Relays will declare at clerking tent.
Field Events: Pole Vault, High Jump, Long Jump, Triple Jump, Shot Put, Discus Throw, Turbo Javelin Throw, Javelin Throw. There will be no implement inspection.
Combined Events: Triathlon, Pentathlon, Heptathlon, Decathlon, Masters Pentathlon, Weight Pentathlon.