Corporate Challenge Dodgeball

Tournament Date:  Saturday, April 26, 2026

Tournament Location:  25 Van Rensselaer Drive, Rensselaer, NY  12144

Directions:  Googlemaps

Concessions:  There will be snacks and drinks available at the venue so you don’t have to leave the building.

Tournament Director:  Lisa Mills, 518-727-8970

Team Divisions: 
Youth Coed (14 & Under);  Scholastic Coed (15-18);
Open Coed (19+); Open Men(19+) Open Women (19+)

NOTE:  Coed teams must have a minimum gender ratio of 4:2 on the court at the start of each game. 

Schedule:  Check in begins at 9:00am on Sunday.  Games start by 10:00am.

Awards and Points:  1st, 2nd,and 3rd place medals will be awarded to up to 8 players on each team in each division.  Points will be awarded to the corporation for the overall Corporate Challenge score. 10-8-6-5-4-3-2-1

Registration Deadline:  March 27, 2025.   NO REGISTRATIONS WILL BE TAKEN AT THE TOURNAMENT!

Registration Fees:  Youth and Scholastic Teams – $75;  All adult teams – $150

Online Dodgeball Team Registration

Dodgeball Team Registration (pdf):  Mail to ES Sports, 5 Southside Dr. Suite 11-200, Clifton Park, NY  12065. Entries must be postmarked by deadline.  Email to:

Tournament Rules (pdf):

Tournament Format:  Round robin play within each division.  Single elimination championship round.  Seeding determined by win/loss record.  In the case of a tie, seed place will be determined next by the total number of players remaining at the the end of each game.  Refs and scorekeepers will be at each court to keep track.