
Pedro’s Judo Challenge
Jimmy Pedro is one of Empire State Sports Council’s very latest partners. We are heading to Wakefield, MA to attend his annual Judo Tournament. He is planning on bringing several of his students to the 2013 Liberty Games Judo Event on July 13, 2013. Pedro’s Judo Challenge is an annual USA Judo Tournament. It offers […]

Back On Track! America’s #1 Sport for Participation
It is unlike any other sport, even those that are also considered “Individual” Sports such as Swimming, Wrestling, or Tennis. It is a rare occasion that you might ever see a true Shot Putter that will also compete in the 800m Run, or a 1500m Runner that will also contest the Pole Vault. There […]

Martial Arts Opens Your Mind
A New Concept For A New State Games Many Events exist for athletes of specific styles of Martial Arts, but very few events bring athletes of different training backgrounds together. Open Tournaments have been around for years, and after spending time with Master Adam Grogin (Sport’s Chair for Martial Arts), it is very easy to […]

Baseball Hits A Three Run Homer
America’s Pastime Comes Home to the Liberty Games One might think that because Baseball has been considered for quite some time as America’s Favorite Pastime, that organizing such an event would be the easiest to do. There is quite a lot of interest, and there are certainly thousands of teams, if not tens […]

Pickleball…It’s All in the Name!
If you are like me, your first reaction when you see this name, “Pickleball”, you are likely pondering several thoughts. 1) Is this an actual sport? 2) What is a “Pickleball”? 3) How is it played? 4) What kind of name is Pickleball for a sport? These are all very good questions, but […]

Fencing Gets To The Point – An Art With Weapons
When we first looked at the possibility of Fencing being a part of the Liberty Games, I must admit that I was hesitant at first thought. Then I was told that there is a Sabre used, and immediately I thought, “Light Sabre”? My second thought was how to get Darth Vader, Han Solo, […]

Riders To The Stars – BMX Racing…Ready to Roll
“One of the many thrilling features about the Liberty Games (the New State Games) has been developing more of an “Outside the Box” thinking that would breathe New Life, and New Excitement into the State Games”, exclaims Executive Director for the Empire State Sports Council, Anthony Mills. He continues, “President of the Sports […]

Liberty Games
The Liberty Games are being held at various sites and times throughout the Capital Region of New York State during the week of July 10 to July 19, 2015. For specific event information go to the sports page and click on the sport that is of particular interest to you.

Batter Up…Softball Steps Up to the Plate
With the harsh Eastern New York Winter that we just survived, it is time to think Spring, that much is certain! Okay, so you may not qualify less than a foot of snow all year as harsh, and if it wasn’t for the most recent snowfall, it is questionable whether there was […]

A New State Games is Coming in 2012!
It is likely a safe guess that many of you that have visited this site in the past couple of weeks are wondering what in the world are the Liberty Games? Some of you have asked questions about the number of sports being contested, and others are keenly interested in where the Liberty Games will […]