Adirondack Champs – Combined Event
Date: Friday, June 20, 2025; Rain date is Saturday, June 21, 2025. If this occurs, all Decathlon and Heptathlon events will be run on one day, Saturday.
Location: TBA
Directions: Googlemaps
Start time: 5:00pm
Packet/Bib pickup: 4:00pm Preregistration strongly encouraged. No late or day of meet registration for combined events. Come early to get runbacks or run-throughs at the long jump.
Entrance Fees: Preregistration rate: Triathlon and Pentathlon – $25; Heptathlon and Decathlon – $35. Throws Pentathlon – $35
Registration Deadline: Wednesday, June 18, 2025; 9:00pm
Online Registration:
Printable Registration Form
Triathlon Events: 6U: & 7-8; Shot Put, Long Jump, 100m (girls) 200m (boys)
9-10: Shot Put, High Jump, 200m (girls) 400m (boys)
Midget & Masters Women (40+)Pentathlon Events: 80m HH, High Jump, Shot Put, Long Jump, 800m (girls) 1500m (boys)
Youth & Masters Women (30-39) Pentathlon Events: 100m HH, High Jump, Shot Put, Long Jump, 800m (girls) 1500m (boys)
Masters Men Pentathlon Events: Long Jump, Discus, 200m, Javelin Throw, 1500m
Heptathlon Events: 100m HH, High Jump, Shot Put, 200m/ Javelin Throw, Long Jump, 800m
Decathlon Events: 100m, Long Jump, Shot Put, High Jump, 400m / 110m HH, Discus, Pole Vault, Javelin, 1500m
Throws Pentathlon: Hammer, Shot Put, Discus, Javelin, Weight Throw
Eligibility: Triathlon for bantam only. Pentathlon for midgets, youth and masters men/women. Heptathlon for junior women and older. Decathlon for junior men and older. Throws pentathlon for juniors and older. USATF or AAU membership not required.
Age Divisions: Youth age divisions are determined by the year of birth. Primary – 2019 +; Sub Bantam – 2018-2017; Bantam – 2016-2015; Midget – 2014-2013; Youth – 2012-2011; Juniors – 2010-2009; Seniors – 2008-2007 (This division includes those athletes who are still 18 up until August 2, 2025). Open and Masters age divisions are determined by age on the day of the meet.
Helpful tips at the Meet:
1. Enter on time: Late registrations, additions, and changes only slow the meet down AND increases the likelihood of errors. All the paperwork is printed well before the day of the meet. So when entries are received late, the changes are penciled in on the heat sheets, and are easy to miss.
2. Scratches: If you know an athlete will not be attending, let the official at their event(s) know. They spend time waiting, looking, and sending people to find these non attending athletes.
3. Accurate entries: Make sure your athlete’s Date of birth and Gender is accurate! When athletes register, ES Sports can only take the data entered. These errors in athlete entry may change an athlete’s division, thus affecting other athlete’s results….most notably in the 100m Dash Prelims and Finals.
4. Compatible Events: When entering an athlete, choose the events that the athlete can realistically compete in. Just because you are allowed 3 or 4 events, you do not need to enter that many. This is along the lines of what my Mother used to say: “You can have as much as you want, just eat what you take!” So, enter as many events up to your limit, but attend the events you enter. This reduces the scratches issues listed in #2.
If there are two events going simultaneously, ie. Pole Vault and High Jump for 13-14, you may not want to enter both. The athlete will be forced to go back and forth between venues, tiring them out (thus affecting their performance) and requiring both events to wait for their return (sometimes the athlete never returns, so the official and all the other athletes were waiting for no reason).