
New EAGLES in the Nest
It goes without saying that every year at this Springtime, that the Country Mills Eagles tend to find New Members (EaglesJ) in the Nest. They come in all shapes and sizes, and perform in all different types of Events! Well, 2019 is NO exception to that. The Liberty Tour Track & Field Series is a […]

Being a talented Athlete isn’t always glamorous! Getting the Gold Medal in the 100m or the Long Jump ends with the conclusion of the meet, most of the time. In order to advance to the Regional and National levels often takes the work of Fundraising. Unfortunately, many Athletes like to avoid such, thinking that someone […]

It has been stated over the years that Track & Field is the “Ultimate Cross Training Sport”. This is derived from the fact that Track & Field has a foundation of working and training the three (3) Basic Motor Skill Movements, which are Running, Jumping, and Throwing. In fact, it is likely that if you […]

It was not an easy task, as they began the 2016 Liberty Tour Track & Field Series at a deficit, trailing by more than 100 points. By the time they completed the President’s Open, the Country Mills Eagles managed to win their first meet, but still lagged in the scoring by almost 80 […]

Eagles Dodge the Ball, and Take Gold!
It is OFFICIAL… the Country Mills Eagles added organized Dodgeball to the list of various Athletic Teams! Starting with Track & Field in 2001, the Country Mills Eagles have added Cross Country, Weight Lifting, Flag Football, and now Dodgeball. As part of the Empire State Corporate Challenge, which just launched in 2016, the Country […]

“Soaring Eagles”!
Adirondack District Championships 2015 “Regardless of political persuasions, the economic environment, or the latest weather conditions; Sports Unite Us! Whether you are a Fan or an Athlete, the passion for sports is Contagious and Inspiring… With an emphasis on programs to reach Youth, Master’s (Senior Citizens), and the Physically Challenged, the Empire State Sports Council is prepared […]

Patriot’s Invitational 2015 It is a new decade for the Empire State Liberty Tour Track & Series, and that means there are several “NEW” and “EXCITING” things to set the pace for the next decade, which takes us to 2024. However, let’s NOT get too far ahead of ourselves, as I would like to […]

Liberty Tour Champs
If I recall correctly, the beginning of each Superman episode began with, “Faster than a Speeding Bullet, More Powerful than a Locomotive, Able to Leap Tall Buildings in a single bound.” After the results of Liberty Tour Track & Field Championships, I find myself a bit confused. The Glencadia Bullets from the Adirondack Association were […]

East Region Championships: This was NO Holiday!
What is the value of a Naysayer? I can remember quite clearly a handful of people, almost a decade ago, that adamantly expressed their discontent over the very thought of contesting a Track & Field competition on a Holidayweekend. In fact, even some in positions of “legendary importance” noted the gross inconvenience of hosting a meet at […]

INDEPENDENCE: Life, Liberty, Pursuit of Happiness
At this time of the year, we most often take time to reflect upon the incredible bravery and courage of our Founding Fathers, and all of the fighting Patriots, both Minute Men and the Militia Men, that were willing to give up everything of a personal nature, including leaving their families, in the very noble effort of preparing […]